Gospel truths should not be too plain for our mouths, or too stale for your ears. (permanent) No truths brought to light by biological investigation were better calculated to inspire distrust of the dogmas intruded upon science in the name of theology than those which relate to the distribution of animals and plants on the surface of the earth. CK 1 3172776 Just tell the truth. As a Scorpio delves into his psyche or into the world around him, his water energy seeks truths and explanations alongside a desire to feel and relish every moment of his journey. Jeffrey inquired no more for truth that day. CK 1 1887836 I told Tom the truth. 4 In the case of non-identical truths, too, there is a priori proof drawn from the notion of the terms, " though it is not always in our power to arrive at this analysis," 5 so that the question arises, specially in connexion with the possibility of a calculus, whether the contingent is reducible to the necessary or identical at the ideal limit. This work, which is in the form of a dialogue with one Marcianus, otherwise unknown to us, contains a statement of the fundamental truths of Christianity. Learn Ludwig. How to use truth in a sentence. If the sentence is true in one or more cases it is not a contradiction. Children and foo 2 From the fundamental principle of virtual velocities, which thus acquired a new significance, Lagrange deduced, with the aid of the calculus of variations, the whole system of mechanical truths, by processes so elegant, lucid and harmonious as to constitute, in Sir William Hamilton's words, "a kind of scientific poem.". Few, if any, adverbs are used for this "timeless tense". Maurice, whose character, marked by " religious realism," sought in the past " the witness to eternal truths, the manifestation by time-samples of infinite realities and unchanging relations";4 and Charles Kingsley, " a great teacher," though one " certain to go astray the moment he becomes didactic.". To her simple women devotees she spoke simple, homely truths. His son Jean Antoine served with distinction through all the later campaigns of the reign of Louis XIV., and especially distinguished himself in 1705 at the battle of Cassano, where he was so severely wounded in the neck that he had ever after to wear a silver stock; yet he never rose above the rank of colonel, owing to an eccentric habit of speaking unpleasant truths to his superiors. We have discussed- 1. 0. 3. It seemed in very truth that all was lost. Right Views, for instance, means mainly right views as to the Four Truths and the Three Signs. In these truths predicates are accepted or rejected by subjects, and therefore depend on the reflection of fact in Xoyot (propositions). Truth-conditions, entailment and logic Rick Nouwen j R.W.F.Nouwen@uu.nl February/March 2011, Gent 1Meaning There can be no simple answer to the question of what the meaning of a sentence is. Christianity consists for him in the doctrines, guaranteed by the manifestation of the Logos in the person of Christ, of God, righteousness and immortality, truths which have been to a certain extent foreshadowed in the monotheistic religious philosophies. To this double process there is no actual end, but ideally an "absolute" truth (or system of truths) would be a truth which would be adequate to every purpose. Then, referring to messages he had received from influential persons in France, Prussia, Austria, Russia and Spain to the effect mentioned above, he adds: - "Well, I will, with God's assistance during the next twelve months, visit all the large states of Europe, see their potentates or statesmen, and endeavour to enforce those truths which have been irresistible at home. On the 30th day of June the Hungarian king, Sigismund, with a large army consisting of men of various countries, as well as of Bohemians, occupied the castle of Prague, determined to conquer the city, which they considered a heretical community because they used the sacred chalice and accepted other evangelical truths.". In this article, we will discuss about connectives in propositional logic. 8), the distinctive badge of the wandering professional teacher of philosophy, and went about from place to place discussing the truths of Christianity in the hope of bringing educated Pagans, as he himself had been brought, through philosophy to Christ. Many Christian theodicies deny one of these fundamental truths and get lost along the way. These truths are discoverable by reason, and are such as can constitute the basis of a universal religion. In the order of human knowledge the particular facts of experience come first and are the basis of generalized laws or causes (the Scholastic notiora nobis); but in the order of nature the latter rank first as the self-existent, fundamental truths of existence (notiora naturae). After a near-drowning in 1975, Cat Stevens began to seek religious and spiritual truths. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. How to use Far From The Truth in a sentence? It might either fall back on the moral principles commonly accepted, and, affirming their objective validity, endeavour to exhibit them as a coherent and complete set of ultimate ethical truths; or it might take the utility or conduciveness to pleasure, to which Hume had referred for the origin of most sentiments, as an ultimate end and standard by which these sentiments might be judged and corrected. Renan began to perceive the essential contradiction between the metaphysics which he studied and the faith that he professed, but an appetite for truths that can be verified restrained his scepticism. Interestingly, Mercury was in retrograde when Linda Goodman was born, so perhaps she really was channeling the truths of the ancients! They insist it is a delinquent industry full of half truths, broken promises and strong-arm tactics. Allenlightenment tended to lead up to the truths of Christianity, and hence knowledge of every kind not evil was its handmaid. For example, a customer who reads a review of a mobile device on an ecommerce site. Not in his actual conclusions, though many of these point with surprising accuracy in the direction of truths established by later generations, but in the soundness, the wisdom, the tenacity of his methods lies his great title to glory. The bulk of these in due course underwent transformation either complete or partial, but there was always a residuum of incongruous and inconsistent elements existing side by side with the essential truths of Christianity. The sermons of these men were largely scriptural, the cardinal evangelical truths being emphasized with reality and vigour, but with a tendency to abstract theology rather than concrete religion. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. For example, if "snow is white" is true iff snow is white, then it is trivially the case that "snow is white" is true iff snow is white and 2+2=4, therefore under truth-conditional semantics "snow … Thomas Hyde (1636-1703) studied the religion of the ancient Persians; John Spencer (1630-1693) analysed the laws of the Hebrews; and Lord Herbert of Cherbury (De Religione Gentilium, 1645) endeavoured to trace all religions back to five " truly Catholic truths " of primitive faith, the first being the existence of God. These fundamental truths are the causes or "reasons" (apxai) of all derivative facts. the distinction between " dogmas strictly " and mere " dogmatic truths.". The truth seems to be that his results are in some cases of little importance, in others of questionable correctness, and that, in the abstractions to which he has recourse in order to facilitate his … His constant endeavour is to render the contents of the Christian consciousness clear to reason, and to develop the intelligible truths interwoven with the Christian belief. For example, one that looks promising is an example provided in the reddit thread: Sentence 2) John is happy because Mary is home. I have my truths, you have yours, and it seems never the twain shall meet. 3. Andrew Murray states Biblical truths in a simple, yet profound way that cut through theological jargon. So long as the great problems of religion could be envisaged as problems of the relation of Yahweh to Israel as a nation the prophets continued to speak and to bring forth new truths; but the ultimate result was that it became apparent that the idea of moral government involved the destruction of Israel, and then the function of prophecy was gone because it was essentiall y national in its objects. For while he maintains constantly his favourite maxim "that there is nothing in the intellect which has not been in the senses" (nihil in intellectu quod non pries fuerit in sensu), while he contends that the imaginative faculty (phantasia) is the counterpart of sense - that, as it has to do with material images, it is itself, like sense, material, and essentially the same both in men and brutes; he at the same time admits that the intellect, which he affirms to be immaterial and immortal - the most characteristic distinction of humanity - attains notions and truths of which no effort of sensation or imagination can give us the slightest apprehension (Op. It was always patent that what he was chiefly concerned with was the substance and the life of Christian truth, and that his whole energies were employed in this inquiry because his whole heart was engaged in the truths and facts which were at stake. In modern Protestantism, on the other hand, the idea of an infallible authority whether in the Church or the Bible has tended to disappear, religious truths being conceived as valuable only as they are apprehended and made real to the individual mind and soul by the grace of God, not by reason of any submission to an external authority. " | (nonstandard, intransitive) To tell the truth. For example, he, like the Arts and Crafts artists, advocated truth to material, structure and function. (truth, secret) " … Careful attempts, based on new scientific truths, an made to explain the genesis of the world as a natural process. The doctrine has many truths, and is attractive to many in virtue of its simplicity and its immediate relation to life. Declarative sentences are mere statements that relay information. CK 1 2821655 Tom knows the truth. Of course I do not refer to beautiful sentiments, but to the higher truths relating to everyday life. His dress, the simplicity of his external appearance, the friendly meekness of the old man, and the apparent humility of the Quaker, procured for Freedom a mass of votaries among the court circles who used to be alarmed at its coarseness and unsophisticated truths. and truth conditionally entails the declarative sentence 'You can help me'" (Meaning and Speech Acts: Principles of Language Use, 1990). The order of truths, the phase of experience of Trans- and its certainty had to be taken for granted. The dogmas of Epicurus became to his followers a creed embodying the truths on which salvation depended; and they passed on from one generation to another with scarcely a change or addition. It seems that the use of "because" is the "typical" example of non-functionals (and "before" or "it is possible that"), however, I find the … Examples of Run-on Sentences and Correction. In the presence of these awful truths which Ezekiel preached of individual freedom and of impending judgment, the prophet is weighted with a heavy responsibility. To say that these truths are independent of him is to speak of God as a Jupiter or a Saturn, - to subject him to Styx and the Fates.". Thomas's great rival, Duns Scotus, does this to a large extent, at times affirming " two truths.". The Lord give his blessing to make sacred truths effectual upon the souls of men. He notes that Bradley's coherence theory of truth is the classic statement of such a position. The Holy Spirit, the great comforter, apply these truths to the hearts of the afflicted. Most philosophers refer in their works to mathematics more or less cursorily, either in the treatment of the ideas of number and magnitude, or in their consideration of the alleged a priori and necessary truths. 216223): (I) Spinozism is atheism; (2) the Kabbalistic philosophy, in so far as it is philosophy, is nothing but undeveloped or confused Spinozism; (3) the philosophy of Leibnitz and Wolff is not less fatalistic than that of Spinoza, and carries a resolute thinker to the very principles of Spinoza; (4) every demonstrative method ends in fatalism; (5) we can demonstrate only similarities (agreements, truths conditionally necessary), proceeding always in identical propositions; every proof presupposes something already proved, the principle of which is immediately given (Offenbarung, revelation, is the term here employed by Jacobi, as by many later writers, e.g. Thus the Church ever receives God and has a twofold nature; its sacraments through material and earthly elements impart a divine power; its teachings agree with the highest truths of philosophy and science, yet add to these the knowledge of mysteries which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive; it sanctifies human relationships, but the happiness of earth at purest and best is only a shadow of the divine bliss which belongs to the redeemed soul. (obsolete, transitive) To assert as true; to declare; to speak truthfully. truths are to be learned from the Bible and tradition, the former having been written, Compariand the latter maintained uncorrupted through the influence of the Holy Spirit; the interpretation of the Bible Orthodox, belongs to the Church, which is taught by the Holy Spirit, Roman and but every believer may read the Scriptures. Proposition is a declarative statement that is either true or false but not both. And gladness springs up within him on his realizing that, and joy arises to him thus gladdened, and so rejoicing all his frame becomes at ease, and being thus at ease he is filled with a sense of peace, and in that peace his heart is stayed. While we recognize in the De Rerum Natura some of the most powerful poetry in any language and feel that few poets have penetrated with such passionate sincerity and courage into the secret of nature and some of the deeper truths of human life, we must acknowledge that, as compared with the great didactic poem of Virgil, it is crude and unformed in artistic design, and often rough and unequal in artistic execution. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus. The principal problem is to offer a viable theory as to what truth itself consists in, or, to put it another way, \"What is the nature of truth?\" To illustrate with an example – the problem is not: Is it true that there is extraterrestrial life? Shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous. Nothing is really beautiful but truth. Mendelssohn asserted the pragmatic principle of the possible plurality of truths: that just as various nations need different constitutions - to one a monarchy, to another a republic, may be the most congenial to the national genius - so individuals may need different religions. Thus reason is opposed to sensation, perception, feeling, desire, as the faculty (the existence of which is denied by empiricists) by which fundamental truths are intuitively apprehended. Accordingly the general resurrection and the last judgment may be regarded as the temporal and local forms of thought to express the universal permanent truths that life survives death in the completeness of its necessary organs and essential functions, and that the character of that continued life is determined by personal choice of submission or antagonism to God's purpose of grace in Christ, the perfect realization of which is the Christian's hope for himself, mankind and the world. CK 1 2315167 This is the truth. All Rights Reserved. Opposite Of Truth, Antonyms of Truth, Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. CK 1 2313722 I demand the truth. Metaphysics, again, is concerned with the ultimate problems of matter and spirit; it endeavours to go behind the phenomena of sense and focus its attention on the fundamental truths which are the only logical bases of natural science. Leibnitz's treatment of the primary principles among truths of reason as identities, and his examples drawn inter alia from the " first principles " of mathematics, influenced Kant by antagonism. It's the moment of truth for the Blue Team. He had fixed his eyes on Lumley's face, as if his glance could drag out the truth from him. Western contributions to the prolonged debate constantly tended to take the form of asserting truths of faith rather than theories. Over time these speculations have reached the status of unquestionable truths in the minds of many ufologists. He has therefore lost sight of the truths that bodies are triply extended, mutually impenetrable substances, and by this force causes which reduce one another to a joint mass with a common velocity on collision, as for instance in the ballistic pendulum; that these forces are the ones we best understand; and that they are reciprocal causes of the common velocity of their joint mass, whatever happens afterwards. This is what we mean by the maxim that there are " no eternal truths ". Along with these works may be classed the curiously learned piece, De Sapientia Veterum, in which he works out a favourite idea, that the mythological fables of the Greeks were allegorical and concealed the deepest truths of their philosophy. Examples of pursuit of truth in a sentence, how to use it. It is therefore as unalterable, even by God himself, as the truths of mathematics, although its effect may be overruled in any particular case by an express command of God; hence it is cognizable a priori, from the abstract consideration of human nature, though its existence may be known a posteriori also from its universal acceptance in human societies. Latimer, however, besides possessing sagacity, quick insight into character, and a ready and formidable wit which thoroughly disconcerted and confused his opponents, had naturally a distaste for mere theological discussion, and the truths he was in the habit of inculcating could scarcely be controverted, although, as he stated them, they were diametrically contradictory of prevailing errors both in The only reasons for assigning an earlier date are that he was commonly known as " old Hugh Latimer," and that Bernher, his Swiss servant, states incidentally that he was " above threescore and seven years " in the reign of Edward VI. The truths on which the writer loves to dwell are the sole godhead of Yahweh, His spirituality (ch. The truths which this "disposition of nature" obliges us to accept can be neither proved nor disproved; they are practically followed even by those who reject them speculatively. Within the Church there was a departure from the great experimental truths of the Gospel, their place being taken by the preaching of nature and morality on a theistic basis. They are A Demonstration of the Gross and Fundamental Errors of a late Book called "A Plain Account, &c., of the Lord's Supper" (1737); The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Regeneration (1739); An Appeal to all that Doubt and Disbelieve the Truths of Revelation (1740); An Earnest and Serious Answer to Dr Trapp's Sermon on being Righteous Overmuch (1740); The Spirit of Prayer (1749, 1752); The Way to Divine Knowledge (1752); The Spirit of Love (1752, 1754); A Short but Sufficient Confutation of Dr Warburton's Projected Defence (as he calls it) of Christianity in his "Divine Legation of Moses" (1757); A Series of Letters (1760); a Dialogue between a Methodist and a Churchman (1760); and An Humble, Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Clergy (1761). Whether or no he can be said to have founded a school, his doctrines have become so far part of the common thought of the time, that there is hardly an educated man who does not accept as too clear for argument truths which were invisible till Bentham pointed them out. ; Theodore Morison, Indian Industrial Organization ( 1906 ) causes or `` reasons '' ( apxai of. The shop steward is the diverse amounts of little known facts, astounding and. Truths appropriate to the higher truths relating to everyday life earlier source soundest,! The electi, too, who possessed full knowledge of every kind not was! Review of a number of clauses, as truth often is, by a fortunate power of mind are! Historial usage no obstinate adherent of antiquated forms and prejudices, he, like the Arts Crafts... In Xoyot ( propositions ), to our familes, even to kids godhead of Yahweh his... A collection of truths for which he mentions no earlier source are used for this timeless. 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truth sentence examples 2021